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Ai P, Xue J, Zhu Y, Tan W, Wu Y, Wang Y, Li Z, Shi Z, Kang D, Zhang H, Jiang L, Wang Z(2023)Comparative analysis of two kinds of garlic seedings: qualities and transcriptional landscape. BMC genomics24:87

Zhang X, Wang H, Yang M, Liu R, Zhang X, Jia Z, Li P(2023)Natural variation in ZmNAC087 contributes to total root length regulation in maize seedlings under salt stress. BMC plant biology23:392

Ai P, Xue J, Shi Z, Liu Y, Li Z, Li T, Zhao W, Khan MA, Kang D, Wang K, Wang Z(2023)Genome-wide characterization and expression analysis of MYB transcription factors in Chrysanthemum nankingense. BMC plant biology23:140

Kang D, Khan MA, Song P, Liu Y, Wu Y, Ai P, Li Z, Wang Z(2023)Comparative analysis of the chrysanthemum transcriptome with DNA methylation inhibitors treatment and silencing MET1 lines. BMC plant biology23:47

Ugya AYChen HWang Q(2023)Microalgae biofilm carbon and nitrogen sequestration as a tool for economic and environmental sustainability. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology53:2055–2070

Ma FLi RGuo GNie FZhu LLiu WLyu LBai SZhao XLi ZZhang DLi HLi SZhou YSong CP(2023)Introgression of QTL from Aegilops tauschii enhances yield-related traits in common wheat. Crop Journal11:1521–1532

Zhu JZhou FWang YLiang YZhao QHan YZhao X(2023)The photosensory function of Zmphot1 differs from that of Atphot1 due to the C-terminus of Zmphot1 during phototropic response. Crop Journal11:1331–1340

Li ZLi BZhang JWang HWang MGuo SWang PLi ZGalbraith DWLi DSong CP(2023)GA Associated Dwarf 5encodes an ent-kaurenoic acid oxidase required for maize gibberellin biosynthesis and morphogenesis. Crop Journal11:1742–1751

Li CFan RMa CZhang ZLi ZZhu LNie FLi YLiu XXie JYu XGuo G,Zhang JChen SZhou YSong CPChen XLi H(2023)Reciprocal translocations hidden by phenotype and genotype within the same wheat cultivar. Crop Science63:2727–2739

Chang G, Ma J, Wang S, Tang M, Zhang B, Ma Y, Li L, Sun G, Dong S, Liu Y, Zhou Y, Hu X, Song CP, Huang J(2023)Liverwort bHLH transcription factors and the origin of stomata in plants. Current Biology33:2806–2813.e6

Yin W, Zhou L, Yang K, Fang J, Biere A, Callaway RM, Wu M, Yu H, Shi Y, Ding J(2023)Rapid evolutionary trade-offs between resistance to herbivory and tolerance to abiotic stress in an invasive plant. Ecology letters26:942–954

Sun X, Sun Y, Cao X, Zhai X, Callaway RM, Wan J, Flory SL, Huang W, Ding J(2023)Trade-offs in non-native plant herbivore defences enhance performance. Ecology letters26:1584–1596

Bawa GYu XLiu ZZhou YSun X(2023)Surviving the enemies: Regulatory mechanisms of stomatal function in response to drought and salt stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany209:105291

Li LLi LCui SQian DLyu SLiu WBotella JRLi HBurritt DJTran LSLi WZhang Y(2023)PDC1 is activated by ABF4 and inhibits seed germination by promoting ROS accumulation in Arabidopsis. Environmental and Experimental Botany206:105188

Adamu Ugya Y, Chen H, Sheng Y, Ajibade FO, Wang Q(2023)A review of microalgae biofilm as an eco-friendly approach to bioplastics, promoting environmental sustainability. Environmental research236:116833

Chen W, Li T, Du S, Chen H, Wang Q(2023)Microalgal polyunsaturated fatty acids: Hotspots and production techniques. Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology11:1146881

Waqar Khan M, Yang W, Yu K, Zhang X(2023) Aztreonam is a novel chemical inducer that promotes Agrobacteium transformation and lateral root development in soybean. Frontiers in microbiology14:1257270

Liu L, Ma L, Zhu M, Liu B, Liu X, Shi Y(2023)Rhizosphere microbial community assembly and association networks strongly differ based on vegetation type at a local environment scale. Frontiers in microbiology14:1129471

Chen L, Wang M, Shi Y, Ma P, Xiao Y, Yu H, Ding J(2023) Soil phosphorus form affects the advantages that arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi confer on the invasive plant species, Solidago canadensis, over its congener. Frontiers in microbiology14:1160631

Hu X, Fan Y, Mao C, Chen H, Wang Q(2023). Application of transposon insertion site sequencing method in the exploration of gene function in microalgae. Frontiers in microbiology14:1111794

Qin A, Aluko OO, Liu Z, Yang J, Hu M, Guan L, Sun X(2023)Improved cotton yield: Can we achieve this goal by regulating the coordination of source and sink?. Frontiers in plant science14:1136636

Sun ZChen HSun LWang Q(2023)Converting carbon dioxide to high value-added products: Microalgae-based green biomanufacturing. GCB Bioenergy15:386–398

Bai D, Shan SW, Zhang X, Li Y, Xie J, Wu WQ(2023)Comprehensive insights into the structures and dynamics of plant telomeric G-quadruplexes. International journal of biological macromolecules231:123281

Cui Y, He M, Liu D, Liu J, Liu J, Yan D(2023). Intercellular Communication during Stomatal Development with a Focus on the Role of Symplastic Connection. International journal of molecular sciences24:2593

Li X, Hou W, Lei J, Chen H, Wang Q(2023)The Unique Light-Harvesting System of the Algal Phycobilisome: Structure, Assembly Components, and Functions. International journal of molecular sciences24:9733

Ugya AY, Chen H, Wang Q(2024). Microalgae biofilm system as an efficient tool for wastewater remediation and potential bioresources for pharmaceutical product production: an overview. International journal of phytoremediation26:131–142

Thanigaivel S, Rajendran S, Hoang TKA, Ahmad A, Luque R(2023)Photobiological effects of converting biomass into hydrogen-Challenges and prospects. Bioresource technology367:128278

Cui Y, He M, Liu J, Wang S, Zhang J, Xie S, Hu Z, Guo S, Yan D(2023). Maize LOST SUBSIDIARY CELL encoding a large subunit of ribonucleotide reductase is required for subsidiary cell development and plant growth. Journal of experimental botany74:4449–4460

Sun Y, Li J, Zhang L, Lin R(2023)Regulation of chloroplast protein degradation. Journal of genetics and genomics50:375–384

Loureiro J, Čertner M, Lučanová M, Sliwinska E, Kolář F, Doležel J, Garcia S, Castro S, Galbraith DW(2023)The Use of Flow Cytometry for Estimating Genome Sizes and DNA Ploidy Levels in Plants. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)2672:25–64

Tang T, Tian S, Wang H, Lv X, Xie Y, Liu J, Wang M, Zhao F, Zhang W, Li H, Zhang Y(2023)Wheat-RegNet: An encyclopedia of common wheat hierarchical regulatory networks. Molecular plant16:318–321

Wu J, Chen S, Wang C, Lin W, Huang C, Fan C, Han D, Lu D, Xu X, Sui S, Zhang L(2023) Regulatory dynamics of the higher-plant PSI-LHCI supercomplex during state transitions. Molecular plant16:1937–1950

Zhou Y, Zhang T, Wang X, Wu W, Xing J, Li Z, Qiao X, Zhang C, Wang X, Wang G, Li W, Bai S, Li Z, Suo Y, Wang J, Niu Y, Zhang J, Lan C, Hu Z, Li B, Zhang X, Wang W, Galbraith DW, Chen Y, Guo S, Song CP(2023)A maize epimerase modulates cell wall synthesis and glycosylation during stomatal morphogenesis. Nature communications14:4384

Li H, Zhu L, Fan R, Li Z, Liu Y, Shaheen A, Nie F, Li C, Liu X, Li Y, Liu W, Yang Y, Guo T, Zhu Y, Bu M, Li C, Liang H, Bai S, Ma F, Guo G, Zhang Z, Huang J, Zhou Y, Song CP(2024)A platform for whole-genome speed introgression from Aegilops tauschii to wheat for breeding future crops. Nature protocols19:281–312

Xiang F, Liu WC, Liu X, Song Y, Zhang Y, Zhu X, Wang P, Guo S, Song CP(2023)Direct balancing of lipid mobilization and reactive oxygen species production by the epoxidation of fatty acid catalyzed by a cytochrome P450 protein during seed germination. The New phytologist 237: 2104–2117

Zheng Y, Xue C, Chen H, Jia A, Zhao L, Zhang J, Zhang L, Wang Q(2023)Reconstitution and expression of mcy gene cluster in the model cyanobacterium Synechococcus 7942 reveals a role of MC-LR in cell division. The New phytologist238:1101–1114

Han YHe YYue SGuo BZhu QZhang HHai XShang F(2023)Floral bud differentiation and mechanism underlying androdioecy of Osmanthus fragrans. Ornamental Plant Research2023:11

Li WWang LQian SHe MCai XDing J(2023)Root characteristics explain greater water use efficiency and drought tolerance in invasive Compositae plants. Plant and Soil483:209–223

Zhu Y, Zhu G, Xu R, Jiao Z, Yang J, Lin T, Wang Z, Huang S, Chong L, Zhu JK(2023)A natural promoter variation of SlBBX31 confers enhanced cold tolerance during tomato domestication. Plant biotechnology journal21:1033–1043

Li ZSun JHirsch CN(2023)Understanding environmental modulation of heterosis. Plant Breeding Reviews46:219–237

Lu KK, Song RF, Guo JX, Zhang Y, Zuo JX, Chen HH, Liao CY, Hu XY, Ren F, Lu YT, Liu WC(2023)CycC1;1-WRKY75 complex-mediated transcriptional regulation of SOS1 controls salt stress tolerance in Arabidopsis. The Plant cell35:2570–2591

Zhao H, Ma L, Shen J, Zhou H, Zheng Y(2024)S-nitrosylation of the transcription factor MYB30 facilitates nitric oxide-promoted seed germination in Arabidopsis. The Plant cell36:367–382

Xiong H, Lu D, Li Z, Wu J, Ning X, Lin W, Bai Z, Zheng C, Sun Y, Chi W, Zhang L, Xu X(2023) The DELLA-ABI4-HY5 module integrates light and gibberellin signals to regulate hypocotyl elongation. Plant communications4:100597

Yang W, Yao D, Duan H, Zhang J, Cai Y, Lan C, Zhao B, Mei Y, Zheng Y, Yang E, Lu X, Zhang X, Tang J, Yu K, Zhang X(2023)VAMP726 from maize and Arabidopsis confers pollen resistance to heat and UV radiation by influencing lignin content of sporopollenin. Plant communications4:100682

Wu C, Zhen W, Wang X, Li Y, Wang W, Hu Z(2023)Absence of SICKLE triggers programed cell death by disturbing alternative splicing and decay of mRNAs. Plant physiology 192: 2523–2536

Zhan Q, Shen J, Nie K, Zheng Y(2023). MIW1 participates in ABA signaling through the regulation of MYB30 in Arabidopsis. Plant science : an international journal of experimental plant biology332:111717

Wang A, Baskin CC, Baskin JM, Ding J(2023)Trade-offs between diaspore dispersal and dormancy within a spike of the invasive annual grass Aegilops tauschii. Planta257:121

Shi YMa TZhang ZXing ZDing J(2023)Foliar herbivory affects the rhizosphere microbial assembly processes and association networks. Rhizosphere25:100649

Xu X, Xie Q(2023)LNKs-RVEs complex ticks in the circadian gating of plant temperature stress responses. Stress biology3:32

Cheng K, Lei C, Zhang S, Zheng Q, Wei C, Huang W, Xing M, Zhang J, Zhang X, Zhang X(2023)Genome-wide identification and characterization of polycomb repressive complex 2 core components in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). BMC plant biology23:66

Jiang T, Cui A, Cui Y, Cui R, Han M, Zhang Y, Fan Y, Huang H, Feng X, Lei Y, Liu X, Ni K, Zhang H, Xu N, Wang J, Sun L, Rui C, Wang J, Wang S, Chen X, Lu X, Wang D, Guo L, Zhao L, Hao F, Ye W(2023)Systematic analysis and expression of Gossypium 2ODD superfamily highlight the roles of GhLDOXs responding to alkali and other abiotic stress in cotton. BMC plant biology23:124

Wang Y, Zhang G, Zhou H, Yin S, Li Y, Ma C, Chen P, Sun L, Hao F(2023)GhPYL9-5D and GhPYR1-3 A positively regulate Arabidopsis and cotton responses to ABA, drought, high salinity and osmotic stress. BMC plant biology23:310

Chang Y, Shi M, Sun Y, Cheng H, Ou X, Zhao Y, Zhang X, Day B, Miao C, Jiang K(2023). Light-induced stomatal opening in Arabidopsis is negatively regulated by chloroplast-originated OPDA signaling. Current biology33:1071–1081.e5

Jiang T, He Y, Wu Z, Cui Y, Wang X, Huang H, Fan Y, Han M, Wang J, Wang S, Chen X, Lu X, Wang D, Guo L, Zhao L, Hao F, Ye W(2023)Enhancing stimulation of cyaniding, GhLDOX3 activates reactive oxygen species to regulate tolerance of alkalinity negatively in cotton. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety267:115655

Yang XH, Xi ZJ, Li JP, Feng XL, Zhu XH, Guo SY, Song CP(2023)Deep Transfer Learning-Based Multi-Object Detection for Plant Stomata Phenotypic Traits Intelligent Recognition. IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics20:321–329

Liu LY, Jia MZ, Wang SN, Han S, Jiang J(2023)Identification and characterization of cotton PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTORS in temperature-dependent flowering. Journal of experimental botany74:3765–3780

Zhou Z, Chen J, Cui Y, Zhao R, Wang H, Yu R, Jin T, Guo J, Cong Y(2023)Antihypertensive activity of different components of Veratrum alkaloids through metabonomic data analysis. Phytomedicine : international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology120:155033

Long L, Xu FC, Wang CH, Zhao XT, Yuan M, Song CP, Gao W(2023)Single-cell transcriptome atlas identified novel regulators for pigment gland morphogenesis in cotton. Plant biotechnology journal21:1100–1102

Ninkuu V, Liu Z, Sun X(2023)Genetic regulation of nitrogen use efficiency in Gossypium spp. Plant, cell & environment46:1749–1773

Yu X, Liu Z, Sun X(2023)Single-cell and spatial multi-omics in the plant sciences: Technical advances, applications, and perspectives. Plant communications4:100508

Yi F, Song A, Cheng K, Liu J, Wang C, Shao L, Wu S, Wang P, Zhu J, Liang Z, Chang Y, Chu Z, Cai C, Zhang X, Wang P, Chen A, Xu J, Burritt DJ, Herrera-Estrella L, Tran LP, Li W, Cai Y(2023)Strigolactones positively regulate Verticillium wilt resistance in cotton via crosstalk with other hormones. Plant physiology192:945–966

Long L, Zhao XT, Feng YM, Fan ZH, Zhao JR, Wu JF, Xu FC, Yuan M, Gao W(2023)Profile of cotton flavonoids: Their composition and important roles in development and adaptation to adverse environments. Plant physiology and biochemistry201:107866

Xu FC, Wang MJ, Guo YW, Song J, Gao W, Long L(2023)The Na+/H+antiporter GbSOS1 interacts with SIP5 and regulates salt tolerance in Gossypium barbadense. Plant science : an international journal of experimental plant biology330:111658

Tian Z, Li K, Sun Y, Chen B, Pan Z, Wang Z, Pang B, He S, Miao Y, Du X(2024) Physiological and transcriptional analyses reveal formation of memory under recurring drought stresses in seedlings of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). Plant science : an international journal of experimental plant biology338:111920

Yu X, Liu Z, Qin A, Zhou Y, Zhao Z, Yang J, Hu M, Liu H, Liu Y, Sun S, Zhang Y, Jan M, Bawa G, Sun X(2023)FLS2-RBOHD module regulates changes in the metabolome of Arabidopsis in response to abiotic stress. Plant-environment interactions (Hoboken, N.J.)4:36–54

Geng C, Li L, Han S, Jia M, Jiang J(2023)Activation of Gossypium hirsutum ACS6 Facilitates Fiber Development by Improving Sucrose Metabolism and Transport. Plants (Basel, Switzerland)12:3530

Lv QY, Zhao QP, Zhu C, Ding M, Chu FY, Li XK, Cheng K, Zhao X(2023)Hydrogen peroxide mediates high-intensity blue light-induced hypocotyl phototropism of cotton seedlings. Stress biology3:27

Gou C, Wang X, Yu Y, Huang J, Wang X, Hui M(2023)One-step enzymatic hydrolysis of sweet potato residue after gelatinization for bioethanol production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery:1–10

Zheng S, Wu A, Wang H, Chen L, Song J, Zhang H, He M, Wang C, Chen H, Wang Q(2023)Purification efficiency of Pyropia-processing wastewater and microalgal biomass production by the combination of Chlorella sp. C2 cultivated at different culture temperatures and chitosan. Bioresource technology373:128730

Liu X, Zubair M, Kong L, Shi Y, Zhou H, Tong L, Zhu R, Lv Y, Li Z(2023)Shifts in bacterial diversity characteristics during the primary and secondary fermentation stages of bio-compost inoculated with effective microorganisms agent. Bioresource technology382:129163

Zhan W, Guo G, Cui L, Rashid MAR, Jiang L, Sun G, Yang J, Zhang Y(2023)Combined transcriptome and metabolome analysis reveals the effects of light quality on maize hybrids. BMC plant biology23:41

Pan YQiao LZhu ZRan XKuang YChi ZHe YLiu RGuo L(2023)Highly enhanced photoluminescence and suppressed blinking of N-doped carbon dots by targeted passivation of amine group for mechanistic insights and Vis-NIR excitation bioimaging application. Carbon213:118212

Shen HDong SLi SZheng HWang QLiu JXiao JZuo HZhang RYang X(2023)Livestock grazing may weaken N deposition effects on soil C:N:P stoichiometry in alpine grassland of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Catena233:107502

Ma FWang RZhang YBai JFang HMa WLiu WLi QLiu X(2023)Polysaccharides from Dioscorea opposita Thunb.: isolation, structural characterization, and anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor effects against hepatocellular carcinoma. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture10:43

Xu STang XZhang XWang HJi WXu CYang ZLi P(2023)Genome-wide association study identifies novel candidate loci or genes affecting stalk strength in maize. Crop Journal11:220–227

Jiang D, Hua L, Zhang C, Li H, Wang Z, Li J, Wang G, Song R, Shen T, Li H, Bai S, Liu Y, Wang J, Li H, Dubcovsky J, Chen S(2023)Mutations in the miRNA165/166 binding site of the HB2 gene result in pleiotropic effects on morphological traits in wheat. Crop Journal11:9–20

Sun PCui YYang JWu TZhang JZhou Y(2023)A cyanine derivative-based NIR fluorescent probe for hydrogen sulfide bioimaging and food spoilage monitoring. Dyes and Pigments219:111644

Wang CLuo XLin WQi YTang WKong JHuang JLi Z(2023)Epitaxial self-assembly of Bimetallic MOF heterostructure for fluorescent and colorimetric detection of tetracyclines. Dyes and Pigments214:111229

Pan LZhang CYuan XZhang YChen XTian CZhang ZTian MLiao AYu GHui MZeng XHuang J(2023)Improvement of ε-Poly-l-lysine Production by Co-Culture Fermentation Strategy. Fermentation9:626

Suo J, Ma Z, Zhao B, Ma S, Zhang Z, Hu Y, Yang B, Yu W, Wu J, Song L(2023)Metabolomics reveal changes in flavor quality and bioactive components in post-ripening Torreya grandis nuts and the underlying mechanism. Food chemistry406:134987

Lin W, Hong W, Sun Y, Huang J, Li Z(2023)Triple-function chitosan-based film for pork and shrimp packaging. Food chemistry417:135903

Liu M, Huang J, Ma S, Yu G, Liao A, Pan L, Hou Y(2023)Allergenicity of wheat protein in diet: Mechanisms, modifications and challenges. Food research international169:112913

Lin W, Zhang Y, Huang J, Li Z(2023)pH-responsive double-layer film based on chitosan/curcumin-β-cyclodextrin complex/cinnamaldehyde and zein/alizarin for pork freshness monitoring and maintaining. Food research international173:113460

Hu Z, Zhao P, Liao A, Pan L, Zhang J, Dong Y, Huang J, He W, Ou X(2023)Fermented Wheat Germ Alleviates Depression-like Behavior in Rats with Chronic and Unpredictable Mild Stress. Foods12:920

Ma W, Liu LN, Wang Q, Duanmu D, Qiu BS(2023)Editorial: Algal photosynthesis. Frontiers in microbiology13:1112301

Sun K, Zhan FD, Shi Y, Zhou J, Zhou J, Peng L(2023)Editorial: New insights into the influences of soil nutrients on plant-fungal symbiosis in agro- and forest ecosystems. Frontiers in microbiology14:1237534

Sun L, Wang S, Narsing Rao MP, Shi Y, Lian ZH, Jin PJ, Wang W, Li YM, Wang KK, Banerjee A, Cui XY, Wei D(2023)The shift of soil microbial community induced by cropping sequence affect soil properties and crop yield. Frontiers in microbiology14:1095688

Zhao PH, Hou YC, Wang Z, Liao AM, Pan L, Zhang J, Dong YQ, Hu ZY, Huang JH, Ou XQ(2023)Effect of fermentation on structural properties and antioxidant activity of wheat gluten by Bacillus subtilis. Frontiers in nutrition10:1116982

Xiang F, Liu WC, Liu X, Song Y, Zhang Y, Zhu X, Wang P, Guo S, Song CP(2023)Direct balancing of lipid mobilization and reactive oxygen species production by the epoxidation of fatty acid catalyzed by a cytochrome P450 protein during seed germination. The New phytologist237:2104–2117

Guan Y, Ma L, Wang Q, Zhao J, Wang S, Wu J, Liu Y, Sun H, Huang J(2023)Horizontally acquired fungal killer protein genes affect cell development in mosses. The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology113:665–676

Li W, Sun Y, Li K, Tian H, Jia J, Zhang H, Wang Y, Wang H, Bi B, Guo J, Tran LP, Miao Y(2023)Sinapate Esters Mediate UV-B-Induced Stomatal Closure by Regulating Nitric Oxide, Hydrogen Peroxide, and Malate Accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant & cell physiology63:1890–1899

Feng Z, Liang X, Tian H, Watanabe Y, Nguyen KH, Tran CD, Abdelrahman M, Xu K, Mostofa MG, Ha CV, Mochida K, Tian C, Tanaka M, Seki M, Liang Z, Miao Y, Tran LP, Li W(2023)SUPPRESSOR of MAX2 1 (SMAX1) and SMAX1-LIKE2 (SMXL2) Negatively Regulate Drought Resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant & cell physiology63:1900–1913

Zhan W, Cui L, Guo G, Zhang Y(2023)Genome-wide identification and functional analysis of the TCP gene family in rye (Secale cereale L.). Gene854:147104

Zhang Q, Wu S, Xing Z, Wang H, Lei Z(2023)Substrate-borne vibrational signals and stridulatory organs for sexual communication in leafminer, Liriomyza sativae (Diptera: Agromyzidae). Insect science30:221–231

Hao X, Wang C, Zhou W, Ruan Q, Xie C, Yang Y, Xiao C, Cai Y, Wang J, Wang Y, Zhang X, Maoz I, Kai G(2023)OpNAC1 transcription factor regulates the biosynthesis of the anticancer drug camptothecin by targeting loganic acid O-methyltransferase in Ophiorrhiza pumila. Journal of integrative plant biology65:133–149

Li W, Tian YY, Li JY, Yuan L, Zhang LL, Wang ZY, Xu X, Davis SJ, Liu JX(2023)A competition-attenuation mechanism modulates thermoresponsive growth at warm temperatures in plants. The New phytologist237:177–191

Yu X, Liu Z, Sun X(2023)Single-cell and spatial multi-omics in the plant sciences: Technical advances, applications, and perspectives. Plant communications4:100508

Liu HB, Li X, Cai J, Jiang LL, Zhang X, Wu D, Wang L, Yang A, Guo C, Chen J, Pu W, Yu F(2023)A screening of inhibitors targeting the receptor kinase FERONIA reveals small molecules that enhance plant root immunity. Plant biotechnology journal21:63–77

Zhu Y, Lin Y, Fan Y, Wang Y, Li P, Xiong J, He Y, Cheng S, Ye X, Wang F, Goodrich J, Zhu JK, Wang K, Zhang CJ(2023)CRISPR/Cas9-mediated restoration of Tamyb10 to create pre-harvest sprouting-resistant red wheat. Plant biotechnology journal21:665–667

Hu J, Gebremariam TG, Zhang P, Qu Y, Qiu D, Shi X, Li Y, Wu Q, Luo M, Yang L, Zhang H, Yang L, Liu H, Zhou Y, Liu Z, Wang B, Li H(2023)Resistance to Powdery Mildew Is Conferred by Different Genetic Loci at the Adult-Plant and Seedling Stages in Winter Wheat Line Tianmin 668. Plant disease107:2133–2143

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Suo J, Ma Z, Zhao B, Ma S, Zhang Z, Hu Y, Yang B, Yu W, Wu J, Song L(2023)Metabolomics reveal changes in flavor quality and bioactive components in post-ripening Torreya grandis nuts and the underlying mechanism. Food chemistry406:134987

Pan L, Zhang CJ, Bai Z, Liu YY, Zhang Y, Tian WZ, Zhou Y, Zhou YY, Liao AM, Hou YC, Yu GH, Hui M, Huang JH(2023)Effects of different strains fermentation on nutritional functional components and flavor compounds of sweet potato slurry. Frontiers in nutrition10:1241580

Ju L, Dong H, Yang R, Jing Y, Zhang Y, Liu L, Zhu Y, Chen KM, Ping J, Sun J(2023)BIN2 phosphorylates the Thr280 of CO to restrict its function in promoting Arabidopsis flowering. Frontiers in plant science14:1068949

Rahim MA, Zhang X, Busatto N(2023)Editorial: Phenylpropanoid biosynthesis in plants. Frontiers in plant science14:1230664

Feng Y, Jiang M, Yu W, Zhou J(2023)Identification of short open reading frames in plant genomes. Frontiers in plant science14:1094715

Ou X, Wang X, Zhao B, Zhao Y, Liu H, Chang Y, Wang Z, Yang W, Zhang X, Yu K(2023)Metabolome and transcriptome signatures shed light on the anti-obesity effect of Polygonatum sibiricum. Frontiers in plant science14:1181861

Zheng J, Sun L, Wang D, He L, Du W, Guo S, Wang L(2023)Roles of a CCR4-NOT complex component GmNOT4-1 in regulating soybean nodulation. Frontiers in plant science14:1172354

Zhan W, Cui L, Guo G, Zhang Y(2023)Genome-wide identification and functional analysis of the TCP gene family in rye (Secale cereale L.). Gene854:147104

Wang B, He W, Huang M, Feng J, Li Y, Yu L, Wang Y, Zhou D, Meng C, Cheng D, Tang N, Song B, Chen H(2023)Ralstonia solanacearumtype III effector RipAS associates with potato type one protein phosphatase StTOPP6 to promote bacterial wilt. Horticulture research10:uhad087

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Zhang Q, Wu S, Xing Z, Wang H, Lei Z(2023)Substrate-borne vibrational signals and stridulatory organs for sexual communication in leafminer, Liriomyza sativae (Diptera: Agromyzidae). Insect science30:221–231

Li H, Jiang Z, Zhou J, Liu X, Zhang Y, Chu D(2023)Ecological Factors Associated with the Distribution of Bemisia tabaci Cryptic Species and Their Facultative Endosymbionts. Insects14:252

Wang R, Liu W, Liu L, Ma F, Li Q, Zhao P, Ma W, Cen J, Liu X(2023)Characterization, in vitro digestibility, antioxidant activity and intestinal peristalsis in zebrafish of Dioscorea opposita polysaccharides. International journal of biological macromolecules250:126155

Hu J, Wang D, Chen H, Wang Q(2023). Advances in Genetic Engineering in Improving Photosynthesis and Microalgal Productivity. International journal of molecular sciences24:1898

Chen D, Zou W, Zhang M, Liu J, Chen L, Peng T, Ye G(2023)Genome-Wide Association Study for Seed Dormancy Using Re-Sequenced Germplasm under Multiple Conditions in Rice. International journal of molecular sciences24:6117

Liu LY, Jia MZ, Wang SN, Han S, Jiang J(2023)Identification and characterization of cotton PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTORS in temperature-dependent flowering. Journal of experimental botany74:3765–3780

Yan Y, Li XM, Chen Y, Wu TT, Ding CH, Zhang MQ, Guo YT, Wang CY, Zhang J, Zhang X, Rasheed A, Xu S, Wang ML, Ni Z, Sun Q, Gou JY(2023)Phosphorylation of KAT-2B by WKS1/Yr36 redirects the lipid flux to jasmonates to enhance resistance against wheat stripe rust. Journal of genetics and genomics50:872–882

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